
Migrate from Neon to Supabase

Migrate your existing Neon database to Supabase.

This guide demonstrates how to migrate your Neon database to Supabase to get the most out of Postgres while gaining access to all the features you need to build a project.

Retrieve your Neon database credentials

  1. Log in to your Neon Console
  2. Select Projects on the left.
  3. Click on your project in the list.
  4. From your Project Dashboard find your Connection string and click Copy snippet to copy it to the clipboard (do not check "pooled connection").



Set your OLD_DB_URL environment variable

Set the OLD_DB_URL environment variable at the command line using your Neon database credentials from the clipboard.


export OLD_DB_URL="postgresql://"

Retrieve your Supabase connection string

  1. If you're new to Supabase, create a project. Make a note of your password, you will need this later. If you forget it, you can reset it here.

  2. Go to the Database settings for your project in the Supabase Dashboard.

  3. Under Connection string, select URI, make sure Display connection pooler is checked, and Mode: Session is set.

  4. Click the Copy button to the right of your connection string to copy it to the clipboard.

Set your NEW_DB_URL environment variable

Set the NEW_DB_URL environment variable at the command line using your Supabase connection string. You will need to replace [YOUR-PASSWORD] with your actual database password.


export NEW_DB_URL="postgresql://postgres.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:[YOUR-PASSWORD]"

Migrate the database

You will need the pg_dump and psql command line tools, which are included in a full Postgres installation.

  1. Export your database to a file in console

    Use pg_dump with your Postgres credentials to export your database to a file (e.g., dump.sql).

pg_dump "$OLD_DB_URL" \ --clean \ --if-exists \ --quote-all-identifiers \ --no-owner \ --no-privileges \ > dump.sql
  1. Import the database to your Supabase project

    Use psql to import the Postgres database file to your Supabase project.

    psql -d "$NEW_DB_URL" -f dump.sql

Additional options

  • To only migrate a single database schema, add the --schema=PATTERN parameter to your pg_dump command.
  • To exclude a schema: --exclude-schema=PATTERN.
  • To only migrate a single table: --table=PATTERN.
  • To exclude a table: --exclude-table=PATTERN.

Run pg_dump --help for a full list of options.


Contact us if you need more help migrating your project.