Finds all rows satisfying at least one of the filters.
expects you to use the raw PostgREST syntax for the filter names and values.
.or(',7),arraycol.cs.\{"a","b"\}') // Use Postgres list () and 'in' instead of `inFilter`. Array \{\} and 'cs' for contains.
.or('$\{mylist.join(',')\}),arraycol.cs.\{$\{mylistArray.join(',')\}\}') // You can insert a Dart list for list or array column.
.or('$\{mylist.join(',')\}),rangecol.cs.($\{mylistRange.join(',')\}]') // You can insert a Dart list for list or range column.
The filters to use, following PostgREST syntax
Set this to filter on referenced tables instead of the parent table
final data = await supabase
final data = await supabase
final data = await supabase
instruments!inner (
.or('section_id.eq.1,name.eq.guzheng', referencedTable: 'instruments' );