function apiFunction(req, res) \{
// Assuming the access token was sent as a header "X-Supabase-Auth"
const \{ access_token \} = req.get('X-Supabase-Auth')
// You can now use it within a Supabase Client
const supabase = createClient("", "public-anon-key")
const \{ user, error \} = supabase.auth.setAuth(access_token)
// This client will now send requests as this user
const \{ data \} = await supabase.from('your_table').select()
With Express.
* Make a request from the client to your server function
async function makeApiRequest() \{
const token = newClient.session()?.access_token
await fetch('', \{
method: 'GET',
withCredentials: true,
credentials: 'include',
headers: \{
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': bearer, // Your own auth
'X-Supabase-Auth': token, // Set the Supabase user
* Use the Auth token in your server-side function.
async function apiFunction(req, res) \{
const \{ access_token \} = req.get('X-Supabase-Auth')
// You can now use it within a Supabase Client
const supabase = createClient("", "public-anon-key")
const \{ user, error \} = supabase.auth.setAuth(access_token)
// This client will now send requests as this user
const \{ data \} = await supabase.from('your_table').select()