JavaScript: Upsert data
- Primary keys should be included in the data payload in order for an update to work correctly.
- Primary keys must be natural, not surrogate. There are however, workarounds for surrogate primary keys.
- If you need to insert new data and update existing data at the same time, use Postgres triggers.
Upsert your data
const \{ data, error \} = await supabase
.upsert(\{ id: 3, message: 'foo', username: 'supabot' \})
Bulk Upsert your data
const \{ data, error \} = await supabase
\{ id: 3, message: 'foo', username: 'supabot' \},
\{ id: 4, message: 'bar', username: 'supabot' \}
Upserting into tables with constraints
const \{ data, error \} = await supabase
.upsert(\{ username: 'supabot' \}, \{ onConflict: 'username' \})
Return the exact number of rows
const \{ data, error, count \} = await supabase
id: 3, message: 'foo',
username: 'supabot'
\}, \{
count: 'exact'