You can initialize Supabase with the SupabaseClient
by passing your Project URL
and Project Key
. You can find these under your Project Settings
→ API Settings
The Supabase client is your entrypoint to the rest of the Supabase functionality and is the easiest way to interact with everything we offer within the Supabase ecosystem.
let client = SupabaseClient(supabaseURL: URL(string: "")!, supabaseKey: "public-anon-key")
let client = SupabaseClient(
supabaseURL: URL(string: "")!,
supabaseKey: "public-anon-key",
options: SupabaseClientOptions(
db: .init(
schema: "public"
auth: .init(
storage: MyCustomLocalStorage(),
flowType: .pkce
global: .init(
headers: ["x-my-custom-header": "my-app-name"],
session: URLSession.myCustomSession