Swift: Upsert data
- Primary keys must be included in
to use upsert.
Upsert your data
struct Country: Encodable \{
let id: Int
let name: String
try await supabase.database
.upsert(Country(id: 1, name: "Albania"))
Bulk Upsert your data
struct Country: Encodable \{
let id: Int
let name: String
try await supabase.database
Country(id: 1, name: "Albania"),
Country(id: 2, name: "Algeria"),
Upserting into tables with constraints
struct User: Encodable \{
let id: Int
let handle: String
let displayName: String
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey \{
case id
case handle
case displayName = "display_name"
try await supabase.database
User(id: 42, handle: "saoirse", displayName: "Saoirse"),
onConflict: "handle"