Kotlin: Column is not equal to a value

Finds all rows whose value on the stated column doesn't match the specified value.


With `select()`

supabase.postgrest["cities"].select(columns = Columns.list("name", "country_id")) \{
    City::name neq "The Shire"
    neq("name", "The Shire")

With `update()`

val toUpdate = City(name = "Mordor")
supabase.postgrest["cities"].update(toUpdate) \{
    City::name neq "The Shire"
    neq("name", "The Shire")

With `delete()`

supabase.postgrest["cities"].delete \{
    City::name neq "The Shire"
    neq("name", "The Shire")

With `rpc()`

supabase.rpc("echo_all_cities") \{
    neq("address->postcode", 90210)