Fetch data
Insert data
Update data
Upsert data
Delete data
Call a Postgres function
Using filters
Match an associated value
Don't match the filter
Match at least one filter
Match the filter
Using modifiers
Return data after inserting
Order the results
Limit the number of rows returned
Limit the query to a range
Retrieve one row of data
Retrieve as a CSV
Using explain
Create a new user
Listen to auth events
Create an anonymous user
Sign in a user
Sign in with ID Token
Sign in a user through OTP
Sign in a user through OAuth
Sign in a user through SSO
Sign out a user
Verify and log in through OTP
Retrieve a session
Retrieve a new session
Retrieve a user
Update a user
Retrieve identities linked to a user
Link an identity to a user
Unlink an identity from a user
Send a password reauthentication nonce
Resend an OTP
Set the session data
Exchange an auth code for a session
Auth MFA
Enroll a factor
Create a challenge
Verify a challenge
Create and verify a challenge
Unenroll a factor
Get Authenticator Assurance Level
Auth Admin
Delete a user
List all factors for a user
Edge Functions
Invokes a Supabase Edge Function.
Subscribe to channel
Unsubscribe from a channel
Unsubscribe from all channels
Retrieve all channels
Create a bucket
Retrieve a bucket
List all buckets
Update a bucket
Delete a bucket
Empty a bucket
Upload a file
Download a file
List all files in a bucket
Replace an existing file
Move an existing file
Copy an existing file
Delete files in a bucket
Create a signed URL
Create signed URLs
Retrieve public URL
Swift: Retrieve as a CSV
Return data as CSV
try await supabase .from("instruments") .select() .csv() .execute()