Swift: Update data


Updating your data

try await supabase
  .update(["name": "piano"])
  .eq("id", value: 1)

Update a record and return it

struct Instrument: Decodable \{
  let id: Int
  let name: String

let instrument: Instrument = try await supabase
  .update(["name": "piano"])
  .eq("id", value: 1)
   // If you know this query should return a single object, append a `single()` modifier to it.

Updating JSON data

struct User: Decodable \{
  let id: Int
  let name: String
  let address: Address

  struct Address: Codable \{
    let street: String
    let postcode: String

struct UpdateUser: Encodable \{
  let address: User.Address

let users: [User] = try await supabase
      address: .init(
        street: "Melrose Place",
        postcode: "90210"
  .eq("address->postcode", value: "90210")